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This is 1-2-1 Transformative program awakening your feminine energy, intuition and wisdom within you, reconnecting you with your body, mind and soul.
It replenishes the creativity and inspiration you might be lacking as creator, creative entrepreneur or simply as you as human, brings back the power of your intuition, grace, flow and ease to awaken your feminine energy within you.
Throughout the program you will awaken your feminine energy , awaken your creativity and inspiration, awaken and embody your intuition. This will guide you in decision making process to make aligned and successful decisions with your career path and life path You will established healthy bond with your soul - higher self and increase creative outputs in the world. You will also increase your creative income and opportunities coming to your life, what will obviously bring back your confidence and power to express your creativity During these 16 weeks you will nourish your creative flow, balance and harmonise your relationships - with yourself, with you partner, with your family. On the physical level, you will improved your body and brain health, what will open you to receive all abundance and power.
This is very powerful 16 weeks coaching and healing program, where I guide you at every step of the way in your inner transformation.
We work with awakening your Kundalini energy, grounding and balancing your nervous system and energetic body through Shamanic ceremonies, deeply cleansing through Shamanic Energy Medicine, guided meditations and emotional release practices, as well as Grow a New Body Diet and various others tools which supported me in my own healing journey.