Iniciaste sesión como:
Iniciaste sesión como:
With courage ready to face the fears Being Impeccable in actions, following the heart
Transmute the toxic and intrusive energy into the fuel
Step into your power
Be the soul and essence of who you are
Embody it fully
Find stillness and presence to connect with your feminine intuition
Stay flexible and agile
Release attachment
Wait for the storm to come through and be ready to transform
Fields of gold are for you and for all
Abundance and prosperity are here for all
It is ocean of abundance given by the Spirit
Align with you Destiny, in synergy with the world and abundance is all yours
You are the light and love
It is your essence and your birthright
Feed the light of your soul with good, kindness and your passions
Bring it to the world and expand
Find your pace, the pace of the Earth
The peace is within you
Allow yourself to slow down
Go within to find it
You are always supported by the feminine lineage
Welcome soft and gentle support of the mother
Take the gifts of life into you heart
You are here with your own purpose
You are here to choice what calls you, to co create the world with the spirit
Connect with wisdom of the oldest shamans to dream the world into being
It is all your choice, if you choose, you co create with spirit
Completion guides the world
Seasons come and go, sunrise and sunset, winter and summer
You always start and finish something in your life
Allow the death and rebirth to guide you
You are safe and supported
Release the idea of controlling your life
It is simply an illusion
In stillness you find the surrender and faith
You are always held, guided and supported
Be the beauty from within
Express your art and creative flow
Connect with your deep feminine creation
Bloom like a pink rose
Open yourself to receive from life
Take all that is there for you
Allow yourself to flow with life
No resistance to the flow
Simply just be
Bring the peace and harmony wherever you are Be at sunergy and harmony within, with nature, with your family, with your environment Like the white pigeaon